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differences between your broker and getquin
differences between your broker and getquin
Moritz Thomas avatar
Written by Moritz Thomas
Updated over a week ago

How do different dates, prices or designations come about when comparing yield, performance or dividends?


On getquin the real gross dividend is shown, depending on the country of origin withholding tax is applied to this, your broker usually deducts this tax automatically.

Price data

The price data comes from the L&S trading center. It is updated in real time during trading hours, the associated graphs every few minutes.

Likewise in the personal portfolio: The portfolio value is permanently recalculated, while the graph does not reflect real-time data.

The price is calculated from the average between the two real-time prices Bid and Ask.

(The Bid price is the next price at which a buyer is found, the Ask price is the price of the next seller).

Buy In Data

getquin always takes exactly the entered or uploaded prices. However, brokers often already include purchase prices, foreign currency costs or similar in their yield calculation, so that the yield displayed there is easily distorted.


Costs and taxes are deducted on getquin in the total return, not from individual positions. Here too, unfortunately, there are no industry standard measures, some brokers already deduct these from the result in the yield calculation.

In addition, getquin rounds the result display to the third decimal place, but it is calculated with the 8th decimal place.

Currency conversion

Since no inter-bank system of currency conversion has been established so far, there are many different ways of currency conversion among brokers and banks.

We calculate the currencies using an average that is constantly updated over time in order to achieve the most accurate calculation possible.

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