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Saving plans with getquin
Christian Peter avatar
Written by Christian Peter
Updated over 2 years ago

Through regular investments, you can steadily increase your invested assets.Therefore, this type of investing is increasingly used.

How can you record such things with getquin?

Here we clarify the most important question about savings plans with getquin!

Is it possible to create savings plans with getquin, so that positions are automatically added to the portfolio at certain times and sums?
The simple and short answer is "No".

However, this is due to technical reasons:
For most real-time quotes we use data from the German exchange Lang&Schwarz Exchange in Hamburg.

If your broker uses Gettex, Xetra or another exchange as trading place, neither the number of shares nor the purchase price would match with getquin's system due to the spread. Furthermore, our system does not know the time at which your broker carries out the purchase.

The easiest way to import your savings plans regularly into getquin would be via Open Banking.
Alternatively, we also offer a PDF import for many brokers.
Otherwise, you are of course also free to regularly enter your savings plans manually in your dashboard.

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