Terms of use and community guidelines
Here at getquin, we want to make sure that everyone feels welcome and respected.
In order to do that, we have a set of guidelines that we ask everyone to follow.
By doing so, we can all make the most out of getquin and create a thriving community – respectful, intelligent and fun.
Our core community values
01 Principles
We want to ensure that the content in our feeds and channels is genuine, honest and in line with our moral principles.
To create a trustworthy and transparent environment, we expect all members to act with a high level of integrity.
02 Security
We want to provide a safe environment for all our users. That’s why we demand the utmost respect when interacting in the community. Our main goal is to share ideas, knowledge and opinions and to learn from each other.
03 Privacy policy
The protection of your personal data is our top priority.
If you wish, you can hide the total value of your portfolio and set your profile to private. That way only your followers can see what you share.
04 Relevance
getquin is your one-stop shop for everything related to the capital markets. It’s the place where you’ll find valuable tips and information that will help you improve your investment strategy.
Therefore it’s crucial to share only relevant information.
What we want
Constructive exchange
We believe in speaking your mind — respectfully. We also believe in listening to others and considering their opinions. After all, we're all here for the same reason: to learn, debate and connect with people from all over the world.
Relevant content
Keep your content fresh, relevant, and focused on investing. Only by doing so can we ensure that our platform delivers value to everyone.
An open and secure user experience
We want an open and social exchange on the platform. But just like in real life, we ask you to follow certain basic rules. So play it safe and don't share anything you wouldn't trust strangers with.
A good rule of thumb is: If you wouldn't trust your family, colleagues or boss with it, chances are you shouldn't share it on our platform.
What we don’t tolerate
Disrespectful behavior
getquin is a platform for respectful debate. Inappropriate, disrespectful, and abusive behavior will not be tolerated – including trolls making untrue claims.
Hate speech and abuse
We believe in equality for all – no exceptions. We won't stand for any racist, discriminatory, defamatory or sexist posts. Therefore we reserve the right to remove such content or comments immediately.
Advertising and false information
We do not tolerate (commercial) advertising, explicit investment advice, links to competitions outside of getquin without prior permission or external links or recommendations to other personal finance applications.
This also includes images and recommendations for corresponding applications.
By interacting in the feed, you agree to make everyone feel welcome in our community. No one should ever feel discriminated against based on: race, politicals orientation, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or illness/physical appearance.
Freedom of speech
The point of our platform is to openly discuss financial topics, issues, markets, news, trades, etc. with everyone in our community, even if some disagree with you, contradict your opinion, or have alternative views. We see these freedoms as essential to discussions and we ask our users to respect them, too.
Taking care of your personal information
Do not share personal information such as: email addresses, phone numbers, or street addresses. Comment and post only what you would say in public.
We do not tolerate:
Inappropriate or offensive content
Derogatory content in the form of text, photos, or videos, defamatory comments, excessive profanity, extremist behavior and expressions of hate and racism
Harassment or bullying of any kind
Threatening and harassing content that advocates criminal or anti-social behavior and illegal activities
Content that violates third party rights or privacy rights, or violates any law or regulation (including, in particular, copyright infringement)
Political content that does not have the goal of constructive discussion or does not have the core connection to the topic of business, economics as well as investing
Fraudulent use of the getquin referral or coin system
Use of multiple accounts to generate fake interactions or to circumvent blocks.
Irrelevant or inappropriate content.
a. Irrelevant or out-of-place content, whether intentional or not, will be removed or moderated depending on its nature.
b. For example, interactions or information that is not value-oriented
c. or content which does not add value to other users.
Dealing with "customers refer customers" and similar links
Provided a link does not violate any of our guidelines, you can add it to your profile description (bio). This includes any kind of referral or affiliate links.
Spreading links without an active request from other users is prohibited.
Exception: If your content is of high quality and adds value to our community, you may add a corresponding link at the end of the post.
Positive example: You write a comprehensive article comparing different brokers. In the conclusion, you leave a link to your preferred broker. In this case, we’d allow the link.
Lotteries, raffles and giveaways on getquin
Any kind of lottery, raffle or giveaway that you plan to host on our platform needs our explicit approval.
Once we check if the content is appropriate for our audience, we’ll reach out to you and let you know.
If your request gets declined, you are NOT allowed to publish the content.
You’re also not allowed to post the content BEFORE you receive a reply from our customer service about whether the content has been approved.
Consequences of violating our guidelines
Any content that contains hate speech, targets a person in a demeaning or shaming manner, is intended to blackmail or harass a person, contains unsolicited sexual advances, or repetitive unwanted messages or behavior may result in the user's removal.
We do not tolerate content that discriminates against other users on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or physical health or ability. In addition, we do not condone support or praise terrorism, organized crime or hate speech.
Depending on the severity of the violation against our Community Guidelines, getquin also reserves the right to suspend a user's account and/or edit/remove the user’s profile content (profile picture, cover picture, bio, shared content in the Global Feed) and/or delete their messages on other getquin channels.
Certain violations are subject to a "one strike and you're out" policy. These include but are not limited to the following: Hate speech, racist, sexist or offensive language and actions within the platform.
We will also delete multiple accounts without further warning.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you see anything that violates our policy. Simply contact us or tag us in the post (@kundenservice).
We want a fair and loving community. ❤️